
Hi peeps, I'm Intan Shafinas. My blog was not fun and exciting like others. Just simple as long as I can express my feelings :) Follow me on blog and add me in FB if you like. i like to make new friends :)kalau you all nak dgr lgu, tgok bawah sekali blog i, you boley dgr lgu Boyfriend je lh. i happy with my Kwangmin. He can make me happy and cry. i love to see you hyper. bye^^

I am Bestfriend!
Skin & banner designer; Qayyum.
Background; FPA.
Images source; Weheartit.
Fonts downloaded at Dafont.
hari last skola
hmm, ari niyh ari last skola.. sedeynyeee.. mmg sedey gler! start dri pn.suzana soh salam ckgu2 sume org start nngis.. aq? aq dh lme start nngis.. btw, mmg aq sygkn SMC! x de skola yg lgy best dri skola tuh! aq syg sume kwn2 aq! aq x nk pndh, but trpkse pndh! hurmmm, klulh still ade bas, kn best! but ari niyh f/a blik pntu dpn.. aq and dye mntx maaf sume, then sembang2.. yg pling mhl! tgkp gmbr ngan dye! haha! suke2! sronok2! tnx sbb blik pntu dpn ye SYg <3.. love you! muuuahh! *flying kiss for you.. i hope you get it <3
hmm, hrp2 sarah suke ngan adiah yg aq bgi.. maybe tuh last adiah dri aq.. base2 je adiah yg aq bgi dye tuh.. aq hrp kau suke Sarah.. klu rndu kte, peloklh bear2 tuh='(

 nih sume antare gmbr yg aq amik.. mls nk upload byk2..

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Kwangmin forever