
Hi peeps, I'm Intan Shafinas. My blog was not fun and exciting like others. Just simple as long as I can express my feelings :) Follow me on blog and add me in FB if you like. i like to make new friends :)kalau you all nak dgr lgu, tgok bawah sekali blog i, you boley dgr lgu Boyfriend je lh. i happy with my Kwangmin. He can make me happy and cry. i love to see you hyper. bye^^

I am Bestfriend!
Skin & banner designer; Qayyum.
Background; FPA.
Images source; Weheartit.
Fonts downloaded at Dafont.
ari niyh gi hangout ngan Sarah and cousin dye, Fasihah. we had a fun day today wlupon just pegi 3org. best jgklh. mkn kat Sushi King, igtkn nk gi Tutti Frutti hujan lebat. x leh pegi. benci Baskin Robbin!!!!!!!! mahal gler doh! sumenye RM3+ benggang gler! nk bt cam ne kan. x pe lh, pengalaman! lain kali x nk beli dh BR! then gi tgok wayang cite The muppets(btul ke ejaan dye?) cite tuh, agak borink. hmm, igtkn nk tgok vite Ombak Rindu, tapy dh abis tikt! adoiii! x pe, x de rezeki. tgok kat CD je lh nnty. ape pon, mmg best hangou tadi=)

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Kwangmin forever