
Hi peeps, I'm Intan Shafinas. My blog was not fun and exciting like others. Just simple as long as I can express my feelings :) Follow me on blog and add me in FB if you like. i like to make new friends :)kalau you all nak dgr lgu, tgok bawah sekali blog i, you boley dgr lgu Boyfriend je lh. i happy with my Kwangmin. He can make me happy and cry. i love to see you hyper. bye^^

I am Bestfriend!
Skin & banner designer; Qayyum.
Background; FPA.
Images source; Weheartit.
Fonts downloaded at Dafont.
First Day at School 2012 :)
Assalamualaikum readers,
ari niyh mcm yg korang tau, kat Perak ari nih first day of school!
ari niyh best jgklh. enthlh. borink gler klas sblom rehat! waah, mcm dok kat penjare(x prnh rse) hihiXD
mmg borink gler arrh! keje prtame msok klas letak beg! merayau satu skola! haha. tu lh keje I kat skola tuh. x de keje lain kan? kan? yeah, i know! *syok sndri
adelh kn sorang bdk niyh punyeelh SOMBONG! x tau lah sape dye tuh. satu gang sombong. kesah ape aq kalau kau sombong ke tak! bubye from my life gooood girl *booo
aq x diperlukan dlm idop kau and kau pon x diperlukn dlm idop aq. senang cite!
#bt anda yg terase tuh. SORRY bkn nak bgi kau marah but ni blog aq, suke aty ape aq nk tulis. aq x sroh kau terase pon, aq x tulis name kau pon. k bye. FULLLLL STOOOPP!
:) sampai sini je lh yer readers2 yg mmbce blog bosan niyh. tq bce :)

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Kwangmin forever