
Hi peeps, I'm Intan Shafinas. My blog was not fun and exciting like others. Just simple as long as I can express my feelings :) Follow me on blog and add me in FB if you like. i like to make new friends :)kalau you all nak dgr lgu, tgok bawah sekali blog i, you boley dgr lgu Boyfriend je lh. i happy with my Kwangmin. He can make me happy and cry. i love to see you hyper. bye^^

I am Bestfriend!
Skin & banner designer; Qayyum.
Background; FPA.
Images source; Weheartit.
Fonts downloaded at Dafont.
Nak Tau Something?
hello there~
eh2 you all, tgok tjuk niyh pon you all msty tertanya2 kan? haha. i gile sket pagi2 niyh. nak tau x ape?
nak gitau lah niyh. ce sabo sket. haha. nmpk tak header blog i? msty nmpk kan sbb dh bkk dri awal lgy dh ade besar2 tuh! ape kena-mengena kan? ade kene-mengena lah! ish, tuh pon x tau. x tau? nk bgitau lh niyh. i suke Kwangmin gler2! gile222! sampai nak naik gile dh niyh tahu! haha. kalau boley nk cium2 dye. eh2 x boley! HARAM! haha. i tau lah bab2 agame niyh. igt i x tau ke? ish2, i tau lah! kalau boley nk jmpe dye pon tak pe. but nk tgok secare LIVE! bkn LIVE kat tv. tuh org lain pon boley. bu LIVE btol2! wah! kalau dpt tgok. i lah org paling bahagia sampai boley daftar hospital tajung. haha. i mmg syg dye sgt2! sangat! dan sangat! ari tuh bler first time dpt tau dye sakit. ape lgy! trus nngis lah! *terokkn nngis sbb artis. x pe. i pnye idop
tuh tandenye sayang dye tau! bkn syg base2. sayang dye mcm ag i sndri! dye BFF i. bkn Boyfriend For Ever. but Best Friend Forver. anggp dye Boyfriend sbb group dye kan name Boyfriend. haha. uiissh, panjangnye entry kali niyh. sorry kalau panjang sangt yer! haha. k laa bye. byk btol i update blog ari niyh. terlebiyh rajin. haha k BYE :) 
sok i update lgy insya-Allah :)

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Kwangmin forever