♥ Jo Twins Conversation When They Bored
- (In the car...)
- Youngmin: Honestly, lately the clothes i wear is Dandy style, so I don't think dandy style is hard to do
- Kwangmin: I don't even know what Dandy style is! Dandy, dandy, dandy! it's just black colored clothes (smiling while saying all the word)
- Youngmin: Truthfully, I also don't know what dandy style is~ but it's just black clothes.....
- Kwangmin: (Interrupt Youngmin) I think every black colour is Dandy
- Youngmin: (silent for a while and look at kwangmin and gazzed to him) Yes whatever.....................(and then crips laughter)
- Kwangmin: (silent, while look at the window)
- Youngmin: (silent) see, its so quite. really quite right? (talk to others people in the car)
- (kwangmin tackle his hyung 2 times^^)
- (From BWA ep 3. CR: BFWacademy101 video)